The things we can’t always see.

For the longest time the unknown frightened me. What will my future be like? Will this relationship last? What will happen to my loved ones? For a lot of people, the unknown is scary, even more it’s anxiety-provoking. It gives them so much anxiety where they are at the point of not enjoying anything in their life anymore. I was once one of those people.

Recently this past summer, I have been working as a camp counselor at a summer camp. Over the past few weeks, I have met a number of campers and people on staff who have changed my life. The camp I work at is a Christian camp, and who knew that simply by praying, playing with kids, and praising Jesus that your anxiety could subside?! Like this is a huge deal! This is longest period in my life that I have gone without feeling overwhelming anxiety! Can give you me an Amen? AMEN.

But the point of this blog post is to let you know of the comfort you can find in everything around you. There are 7 billion people on earth, and I guarantee that you are or will never be alone. People leave our lives, but don’t forget people also enter our lives as well. Think of all the people who love you or who are going to love you. Think of the beauty that you express when you talk about something you truly love. Think about how you have impacted someone’s life so dramatically and you don’t even have a clue. There are these amazing magical things that exist in our lives and they sometimes go unnoticed. When we discover these things that we can’t always see they bring a huge smile to our face. Remember for 1 sad thing there are 99 more happy things to think about. You can do it. You can conquer anything. Just remember that there are all these small things that we can’t always see that could make a huge difference.

With love and hope,


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